Photo of Sydney for Private Tutoring

Private, 1-on-1 tutoring
with top tutors
in Sydney & Melbourne.

We organise everything! Submit your details and we'll find you the perfect tutor within 24 hours.

Evolutionary Tutors is trusted by 1000+ parents.
Tutored over 25,000 lesson hours.
Rated 5/5 with 200+ Google Reviews.
'Best Private Tutoring Agency 2020 - Australia'
Corporate Vision - Education & Training Awards 2020.

Private Tutoring Made Easy.

Private, 1-on-1 tutoring sessions with the tutor of your choice.
Meet online or in-person.
Decide who you want to work with and when you want to start.

The choice is yours.

Illustration of a private tutor being organised

The Right Fit.

Each tutor is hand picked to meet your individual needs and learning style.

Illustration of a private tutor meeting you in person

Vetted Tutors.

Thoroughly screened and trained tutors with exceptional HSC/VCE results and Working With Children Checks.

Illustration of a man with engaging private tutoring techniques

1-on-1 Tailored Lessons.

Learn online or in-person in the comfort of your  home or nearby library.

Get StartedSee How It Works

Our aim is to provide high-quality, personalised tuition to help students gain confidence and realise their potential.

We offer private 1-on-1 tutoring for high school students across Sydney and Melbourne.

Your child probably hasn't been taught how to learn and build study habits.
Don't struggle alone! We're here to help with our
NEW coaching offer - CoachMe.

I'm Interested

Private, 1-on-1 tutoring
for HSC students
in Sydney.

Private tutoring with top local tutors who have achieved exceptional HSC results.

'Best Private Tutoring Agency 2020 - Australia'
Corporate Vision - Education & Training Awards 2020.
Get Started
Sydney Beach for Location

Subjects We Tutor.

Private, 1-on-1 online and in-person tutoring for all major HSC subjects.





HSC Specific

Our Private Tutors.

A sample of our fantastic talent pool, ready to help.

Adhi S.
Online only
Private Tutor for Maths
Sydney Boys High School
Angelina S.
Mt Annan
Private Tutor for English, History, Society & Culture, Religion and Drama
St Patrick’s College for Girls
Arshia J.
The Ponds
Private Tutor for Maths, Physics, SOC and Religion
Hills Adventist College
Arya W
Baulkham Hills
Private Tutor for Economics, Business Studies and Legal Studies
Baulkham Hills High School

200+ 5-Star Google Reviews.

How Does Tutoring Benefit You?

Private tutoring is the most cost-effective and time-effective way to boost your ATAR.

Private Tutoring Book - Lightbulb

Academic Improvement.

Private tutoring is incredibly popular during the HSC because it produces strong academic improvements in short periods of time.

HSC private tutoring is all about personalised and assessment-based learning that gets you the best internal school ranking which will boost your final ATAR.

HSC private tutoring is becoming more important as school assessment tasks are less likely to be formal written examinations and more likely to be take-home assignments and exams (Source: NSW Education Standards Authority).

Our HSC private tutors are extremely well-qualified. They have an extensive Band 6 resource database, exceptional HSC results and are currently studying their areas of expertise at a university level.

Parent Peace of Mind.

All of our HSC tutors have an up to date Working With Children Check and they are trained based on scientifically proven learning techniques supported by cognitive psychology (not Buzzfeed).

If you ever have any questions, we offer both phone and e-mail support to help you get started.

Private Tutoring Peace of Mind - Mum Holiday

Quality Service.

We have no lock-contracts and have a simple pay-as-you-go system.

Our private tutors come to your home or a library nearby.

We organise the private tutor for you, picking the best match based on location, subjects, availability and personality.

No upfront fees, no costly packages and pay after your lesson - we want you to get the help you need first. You'll only be charged after your lesson is complete.

How It WorksGet In Touch

Why Private Tutoring for HSC Students?

HSC private tutors are incredibly useful resources for HSC students.

Prepare for HSC assessments with confidence.

Private HSC tutoring gives you the personalised feedback you need to improve your school assessment tasks. Your final ATAR is calculated using 50% of your internal school rank and private tutoring can vastly improve this score.

Reduce HSC anxiety and enjoy Year 12.

Private HSC tutoring gives you the reassurance that you are taking the correct path and helps reduce student stress. This allows students to enjoy 18th birthday parties, school leadership roles and all the best parts of being in year 12.

Give parents peace of mind.

Parents are often the unsung heroes of year 12. Private HSC tutoring gives parents the peace of mind that their son or daughter has every opportunity to succeed.

Prepare for HSC exams correctly.

Private HSC tutoring provides the perfect roadmap to understand what and how you need to study to improve your final ATAR score. Your private HSC tutor will provide the resources, the one-on-one feedback and the encouragement you need to succeed.

Personalised learning for your weaknesses.

Private HSC tutoring gives you the personalised one-on one feedback you need to maximise your ATAR. Private HSC tutoring gives you valuable feedback on where you can improve on your responses and how to best focus your study time.

Master study techniques and self-discipline.

Private HSC tutors provide valuable expertise on how to improve studying efficiency and how to avoid procrastination during the HSC.

Get started with ET.

Answer a few questions, and we'll take care of the rest! Whether you're seeking help with specific subjects, exam preparation, or boosting confidence, we'll match you with the perfect tutor and stay in touch to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Basic Info
Academic Info
What subject(s) do you need help with?
What texts / topics are you studying?
How would you rate your current academic performance?
Goals & Expectations
What would you like your tutor to help with?
What do you struggle with most?
Lesson Preferences
When would you like to start lessons?
How many tutoring sessions do you think you'll need? Please note that we have no lock in contracts.
Tutoring format
Online - Match me with the most suitable tutor available
In-person - Match me with the closest tutor available
Let us know if you have a tutor preference. If not, we'll recommend some for you.
How did you hear about us?
How would you like to be contacted?
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