A very thoughtful tutor who helped my son engage well for HSC exams. Always well prepared and very professional. Thank you Isabella for all your support.
Isabella's been an amazing tutor. Her down to earth demeanour and extensive knowledge instantly puts me at ease. I'm genuinely thrilled with the progress I've made so far.
Catherine and Isabella have been so helpful to me and I’ve achieved my highest marks with their help!!
I love Evolutionary tutors so much, they take your lessons very seriously and will do whatever they can to help you feel comfortable about your assignments and exams. My Tutor Isabella Martino is so amazing and she is such a motivation for my studies. Thank you Isabella for staying with me for hours helping me with my assignments and exams I really appreciate it. xx
Hi! My name is Isabella. I graduated from Clancy Catholic College in 2022 and am currently completing the final year of a Bachelor of Marketing and Media at Macquarie University. I achieved an ATAR of 93.55 and ranked 1st internally for Community and Family Studies, 2nd for Business Studies and 3rd for Society and Culture.
I have been tutoring with this company for over 2 years and have spent over 200 hours with students. I believe all students have the ability to do well in their HSC year whilst establishing a healthy work/life balance. I aim to be a source of guidance, knowledge and advice for secondary students who are willing to put in the effort to achieve great results. I will go above and beyond to support my students using the strategies and resources I believe will assist in their learning.
In my spare time, I run my own business and spend time with friends and family.
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